Chinese Tea

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Items 10 - 18 of 21 total

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TieGuanYin 安溪铁观音 (bon)
TieGuanYin 安溪铁观音 (bon)
Thé au jasmin 茉莉花茶 (excellent)
Thé au jasmin 茉莉花茶 (excellent)
Thé au jasmin 茉莉花茶 (good)
Thé au jasmin 茉莉花茶 (good)
Zhejiang Longjing (excellent) 浙江龙井
Zhejiang Longjing (excellent) 浙江龙井
Huangshan MaoFeng 黄山毛峰 (good)
Huangshan MaoFeng 黄山毛峰 (good)
DongDing Wulong 冻顶乌龙 (bon)
DongDing Wulong 冻顶乌龙 (bon)
Les infusions 3 et 4 perdent significativement en saveur
Lapsang Souchong 正山小种 (excellent)
Zhengshan Xiao Zhong 正山小种 (bon)
Zhengshan Xiao Zhong 正山小种 (bon)
DaHongPao 大红袍 (bon)
DaHongPao 大红袍 (bon)
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Items 10 - 18 of 21 total

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